- 650 g of manitoba flour
- 250 g of whole milk
- 100 g of sugar
- 100 g of butter
- 10 g of yeast or 50 g of dried yeast
- 4 eggs
- 1 sachet of vanilla
- Salt
For garnish :
- 1 egg yolk
- Granulated sugar
- 50 g of whole milk
1. Heat the milk until it reaches a temperature of +37°C, then add the yeast and sugar. Stir until fully dissolved.
2. Pour into a bowl or a planetaria. Paying close attention that lumps do not form, slowly add the sifted flour, the eggs, butter, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Stir for a few minutes until the mixture is soft, but not sticky. If necessary add a little more flour.
3. With a rolling pin flatten the pastry so that it is thin long and narrow. Now fold the pastry upon itself so that it forms several layers.
4. Separate it into two circular parts, one large and one small: the larger part for the chick’s body, the smaller for its head. Use a small amount of pastry to make its feet, wings and beak.
5. Place the shaped pastry on one of the LIFE basket chiller’s trays, that has been lined with baking paper, leaving a 2 cm space between the chick’s head and body.
6. Place the tray into the LIFE blastchiller and set the program: PROVING>IMMEDIATE at a temperature of +28°C for 2½ hours and press START
7. If you wish to prove the pastry at a later time (up to 24 hours), program the LIFE blast chiller in the same way, but add time you want the program to start.
8. At the end of the proving program brush the pastry with the egg yolk, milk and sugar, add a dried blueberry or a raisin for the chick’s eye and cook for 15 minutes at 175°C