
Christmas log
Christmas log Ingredients: For the sponge cake 52,5 g wheat flour 35 gr. of cornstarch 4 eggs 90 gr. of sugar 90 gr. of salt For the filling 140 gr. of Jijona nougat 175 ml. liquid whipping cream For coverage 45 gr. covering chocolate (50% cocoa) 35 ml. liquid whipping cream For decoration Glass Sugar Candied cherries Cooking Setting: Sponge cake Mode: Mixed Humidity: 20%. Temperature 230 ºC Time: 8-9 min. Preparation: Preparing the filling Crumble the Jijona nougat in a bowl and add 70 ml. of liquid cream. Put the mixture in the mixer until a uniform and creamy

Christmas turkey with forest fruits
Christmas turkey with forest fruits Ingredients: 1 whole turkey of 5 kg. 20 g. fresh rosemary sticks 5 leaves of fresh sage 5 bay leaves the skin of a half-orange 30 g. of kumquats 100 g. of redcurrants 500 cl. turkey bouillon 100 g. of butter 5 g. black pepper 5 g. salt 30 g. toasted flour 100 cl. of red wine 2 g. sugar Cooking Setting: Turkey (3 cooking phases) Temperature: 95ºC Time: 15 minutes Humidity: 100%. Chamber temperature: 160ºC Core temperature: 70ºC Humidity: 20%. Chamber temperature: 200ºC Core temperature: 80ºC Humidity: 0%. Preparation: First, salt and pepper the

Flatbread with zucchini, onion and goat cheese
Flatbread with zucchini, onion and goat cheese Ingredients: 1 tbsp flatbread dough 2 medium spring onions 2 small zucchini 1 piece of goat roller cheese 1 tbsp oregano leaf 1 tbsp chives Cooking Setting: Flatbread Mode: convection Temperature: 180 ºC Time: 12 minutes Humidity: 0% Preparation: Cut the spring onion in brunoise and poach in olive oil. Then add the zucchini cut in fruit salad and poach as well. Prepare the base dough for the flatbread in the traditional way and set aside. Stretch the dough and cut into circular shapes with a large cookie cutter. Put a little of the

Artichoke, octopus, parmentier of black garlic, beef jerky and mango
Artichoke, octopus, parmentier of black garlic, beef jerky and mango Ingredients: Artichokes of Tudela de Duero Parsley Beef jerky Potato Cream Butter Black garlic Octopus Sprout of peas Mango Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cooking Setting: For artichokes Mode: steam Temperature: 95 ºC Humidity: 100 Time: 5 minutes For the octopus Mode: steam Temperature: 70 ºC Humidity: 100 Time: 7 hours For the beef jerky Mode: mixed Temperature: 100 ºC Humidity: -100 Time: 3 hours Preparation: For the artichokes Peel the artichokes and place them in water with a bunch of parsley. Drain it and place it in vacuum bags with a

Brioche Saint Genix
Brioche Saint Genix Ingredients: Brioche 1 kg. flour 32 gr. salt 150 gr. sugar 55 gr. baker’s yeast 400 gr. whole eggs 500 gr. of butter 1 kg. red pralines Garrison 2 eggs to paint granulated sugar n°6 Cooking Setting: 1st Fermentation Mode: mixed Humidity: 20%. Temperature: 35ºC Time: 40 minutes 2nd Fermentation Mode: mixed Humidity: 20%. Temperature: 35ºC Time: 40 minutes Cooking Mode: convection Humidity: 0%. Temperature: 170ºC Time: 30 minutes Preparation: Dissolve the baker’s fresh yeast with the eggs. In the bowl of the kneading machine add all the ingredients except the butter and knead it lightly with

White pork tenderloin with crunchy corn, ginger and Port wine
White pork tenderloin with crunchy corn, ginger and Port wine Ingredients: 2 white pork tenderloins 250 ml. of Port wine 30 g. ginger 100 g toasted corn 12 baby carrots 15 g. butter with salt Fresh rosemary Salt Pepper Cooking Setting: Tenderloin: Mode: Steam Temperature: 70 ºC Humidity: 100 Time: 30 min. Carrots: Mode: Steam Temperature: 85 ºC Humidity: 100 Time: 30 min. Preparation: Tenderloin at low temperature Clean the fat and fibers of the tenderloin and season it with salt and pepper. Place it in a 200 x 300 mm cooking bag and then add the Port wine and

Vacuum packed ‘chilindrón’ chicken
Vacuum packed ‘chilindrón’ chicken Ingredients: 1.5 chicken units 200 g. onion 300 g. red pepper 3 cloves of garlic 3 eggs 150 g. flour 250 cl. olive oil 1.5 l chicken broth 1 c/s chopped parsley 1 c/s salt and pepper Cooking Setting: Mode: convection Temperature: 65ºC Time: 90 minutes Humidity: 0% Preparation: Cut the chicken into eighths and season it. Coat it with flour and egg and mark it in a frying pan with olive oil. Beat it with the mychill blast chiller and set aside. Cut the onion and pepper into julienne strips, sauté until tender. Add the sliced garlic,

Baked potato omelette
Baked potato omelette Ingredients: 900 g. of potatoes 2 large onions 1 clove of garlic 1 glass of white wine 1 tablespoon of sugar 2 tablespoons of salt 6 eggs 1 coffee cup of olive oil Cooking Setting: For the onion Mode: Mixed Temperature: 185 ºC Time: 45 minutes Humidity: 40%. For the potato Mode: Steam Temperature: 150 ºC Time: 20 minutes Humidity: 100%. For the omelette Mode: convection Temperature: 220 ºC Time: 5 minutes Humidity: -99% (DryOut) Preparation: Place the olive oil, chopped onion, sugar and salt in a non-stick mould or in an egg tray in the mychef oven.

Cod poached in its juices with peas and black catalan sausage
Cod poached in its juices with peas and black catalan sausage Ingredients: 1 cod loin 1 clove of garlic 1 chilli 250 g peas ½ onion 150 g black butifarra 3 mint leaves q.s. olive oil q.s. green onion Cooking Setting: Cod Mode: steam Temperature: 53ºC Time: 13 minutes Humidity: 100% Peas with black catalan sausage Mode: steam Temperature: 85ºC Time: 8 minutes Humidity: 100% Preparation: To cook the fish, first use the iSensor vacuum packer to pack the salted cod loin with a dash of olive oil, some garlic slices, and one chilli. Then, cook the cod in the mychef oven at 53ºC for 13

Crispy tuna-belly cornet
Crispy tuna-belly cornet Ingredients: Nori seaweed Tuna Mahonesa with ceviche and rocoto flavours Lime scratch Quinoa suffered fried Tobiko Chive Cooking Setting: Mode: convection Temperature: 120 ºC Time: 60 minutes Humidity: 0%

Chocolate crêpes
Chocolate crêpes Ingredients: 500 gr milk 4 eggs 100 gr sugar 100 gr flour 140 gr cacao powder Preparation: Place the mixing paddle on the blades. Add all the ingredients to the jug and set for 1 minute, speed 500 gr milk 4 eggs 100 gr sugar 100 gr flour 140 gr cacao powder To make the crêpes: Heat butter in a small frying pan. Cover the base of the pan with a small amount of crêpe batter and let the bottom turn golden brown. Flip and brown on the other side. Remove the finished crêpe from the pan and

Coffee mousse
Coffee mousse Ingredients: 250 gr milk 100 gr sugar 20 gr instant coffee 3 gelatine sheets 500 gr whipping cream Preparation: Place the gelatine sheets in a container and cover with cold water. Place the mixing paddle on the blades. Add the milk, the sugar and the instant coffee to the jug and set for 2 minutes, 90°C, speed 250 gr milk 100 gr sugar 20 gr instant coffee Add the soaked and drained gelatine sheets, stir with the spatula and set aside in a bowl in the refrigerator without letting it set. 3 gelatine sheets Once the milk is