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Christmas log

Christmas log Ingredients: For the sponge cake 52,5 g wheat flour 35 gr. of cornstarch 4 eggs 90 gr. of sugar 90 gr. of salt For the filling 140 gr.

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Brioche Saint Genix

Brioche Saint Genix Ingredients: Brioche 1 kg. flour 32 gr. salt 150 gr. sugar 55 gr. baker’s yeast 400 gr. whole eggs 500 gr. of butter 1 kg. red pralines

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Baked potato omelette

Baked potato omelette Ingredients: 900 g. of potatoes 2 large onions 1 clove of garlic 1 glass of white wine 1 tablespoon of sugar 2 tablespoons of salt 6 eggs

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Crispy tuna-belly cornet

Crispy tuna-belly cornet Ingredients: Nori seaweed Tuna Mahonesa with ceviche and rocoto flavours Lime scratch Quinoa suffered fried Tobiko Chive Cooking Setting: Mode: convection Temperature: 120 ºC Time: 60 minutes

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