How to cook with core probes in mychef ovens (I)

Knowing the temperature inside the food during cooking in professional ovens is essential in order to obtain the desired cooking point and preserve its optimum qualities. Through the use of core probes it is possible to measure its internal temperature, which is very useful to obtain a more homogeneous and standardized production, to take advantage of the large pieces of meat and fish avoiding losses or to regenerate the elaborations carried out previously.
The mychef ovens offer the possibility of cooking with probes, optional accessories but very demanded by those chefs who look for cookings with the maximum respect to the product and an exhaustive control of the same ones. Therefore, in our blog we will talk about the probes and how to use them in the mychef evolution and mychef concept ovens.
Types of probes for professional ovens
First of all, it is important to know the types of probes that exist and what each one is recommended for. The mychef ovens have three types of compatible probes: the sous vide core probe for vacuum cooking, the single-point core probe and the multi-point core probe, especially suitable for large pieces of meat or fish, as it has four measuring points.
In this first article, we will explain how the sous vide mychef core probe is and how to use it. To begin the process of cooking under vacuum with sous vide probe, it is necessary to pack previously with iSensor the food that we want to cook. With this mychef vacuum packer you only need to lower the lid to obtain a perfect packaging in its automatic mode. Once this is done, place the bag with the food in the tray of the mychef oven and take the core probe sous vide, that has a 1.5 mm diameter, specially designed to pierce the bag as little as possible. Before introducing it in the food, we will use the foam for core probe to avoid that the vacuum is lost.
In order to cook in the mychef oven, we will use the temperature mode and temperature core probe control. To program it we will only have to choose in the mychef oven the external temperature and the temperature at which we want the heart of the food to reach. This will begin the cooking program and will end when the internal temperature of the food reaches the indicated one. Likewise, the rotary control of the oven will turn yellow when 5 ºC are missing to reach the final temperature chosen. It’s as simple as that!
To finish cooking with the sous vide core probe, all you have to do is carefully remove it from the bag and open it carefully to enjoy a recipe prepared with incomparable precision and unrivalled thermal stability thanks to the TSC (Thermal Stability Control) patent for the wold’s best cooking oven